Monday 26 January 2009

In San Francisco

Alcatraz is the building behind us - in the bay.

Ice skating on Ella's birthday - in union square.

And walking on Russian Hill (of Tales of the City)

More lions and slugs in the redwoods

Out walking in the woods behind the campus. Looking for Mountain Lions and Banana Slugs - we have seen a Banana slug - but only seen the warnings about the lions.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

my house

After I went to Zoes house she came to my house we made a den ate lemon and poppie seed cup cakes(that our really nice nabour brout round) and made friendship bracelets.

play at houses

I have been at school a week. On friday I played at Zoe's house. She has a big big trampoline a swing and a trolley we had lots of fun, threw lemons over the roof, she has really cute cat a ginni pig. She has a sister called Jasmine.

I picked some lemons we might make lemon curd (Jenny said). Zoe has oranges growing in her garden, mandarins and lemons and pineapple guaveurs and cabbage and lettuce and carrots.

Thursday 8 January 2009


Today I had friends round for dinner. 2 kids. 2 grownups. We had pizza and salad then ICE CREAM! The friends were called Mikaela, Elisha, Karen and Fern. After dinner ,we hung out in my house

Wednesday 7 January 2009


The campus does look like this (and it feels like being an ewok): 

Yesterday I saw a newt outside my building door.

Today I am going to meet some people.

Monday 5 January 2009


Today is the 5th of January my first day of American school. I made 3 friends Zoe,Veronica and Isabelle. Zoe lives at the end of my road. they've all been really nice showing me around and teacher is called bronwin

Saturday 3 January 2009

Seabright Beach

Seabright beach is at the end of our road - it is very beautiful - you can see the mountains across the sea because it is a bay. We saw sandpipers, seagulls and pelicans this evening - just before the sun set - Ella drew a turtle in the sand and Jenny picked up a crab that the birds were eating - and then returned it.

Thursday 1 January 2009

top 10 differences

This is my top 10 differences about England and America.
that i still in progress.
y England has chips.
y Americans drive on a different side of the rode.
y Americans call trousers ,pants.

y Americans call jam ,jelly
y Americans call a fringe , bangs
y America has banana slugs.
y Americans call jelly,jello


Its my birthday today and i went ice skating in union square.

This is a picture of union square:

Last year's birthday too: